Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/20/2011 Ready for a daily report

1/20/2011   Need to now go from 267 to 170.  That's 97 pounds.  I hit a high of 303 after my husband died and spent too much time - almost all my time on the couch.  Was able to do daily maintenance chores and very little else.  I have had a lifetime of "dieting" with stretches of "holding my weight at normal" for pretty long amounts of time.  I have journaled for years along with reading diet books, self help and other books.  A new approach (for me) to food choices..... no more giving up for days, months or years because I didn't stay 100% on plan.  I have progressed from last July 20th (weight 296) to 267 today.

Also learning to blog.  Have been reading blogs, starting with "Diary of a Winning Loser" and his followers, which were very inspiring - and helped me make this journey different than any of my previous attempts to get control of my life.

Realized I need to pay close attention to getting enough sleep and not letting myself get ravenous between meals.  Expect to get to my goal weight this year.  Will be back here tomorrow.